Subscript out of range error given by Report Wizard




I have a query which gives something like the following -

TestName TesterID

Test1 121
Test2 121
Test2 244
Test3 121
Test4 121
Test4 224
Test4 566
Test5 566
Test5 566

I wan't to print a report that looks something like this -

Test1: 121
Test2: 121, 244
Test3: 121
Test4: 121, 224, 566
Test5: 566
Test5: 566

When I try to build a report using the query wizard I get an error
message that says "Subscript out of range". Therefore the wizard has a
bug which might be related to having the TestName field containing the
same names more than one.

Anyway, is there a work around for this? Perhaps I could write a query
which gives the following table first -

TestName TesterIDs

Test1 121
Test2 121, 244
Test3 121
Test4 121, 224, 566
Test5 566
Test5 566

but I'm not sure what that query would be. I'd need to convert the
Tester fields to strings and concat them some how...



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