subscript out of range error



I'm getting a subscript out of range error when trying to pass arguments via
OpenArgs. This is my code in my first form.

Private Sub Job_Type_AfterUpdate()
Dim MyOpenArgs As String

MyOpenArgs = Me!Job_ID & "-" & Me!Account_No

Select Case Me!Job_Type

Case "New Contract"
DoCmd.GoToControl "Frame_Contract_Option"

Case "Rental"
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_Rental_Detail", acNormal, Qry_Rental_Detail, ,
acFormAdd, acWindowNormal, MyOpenArgs
Case "Evaluation"

DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_Eval_Detail", acNormal, Qry_Eval_Detail, ,
acFormAdd, acWindowNormal, MyOpenArgs
Case Else
DoCmd.GoToControl "Rep_name"

End Select

End Sub

In my second form I have:

Private Sub Form_Load()

FK_Master_Job_ID = Split(MyOpenArgs, "-")(0)
Rental_Acct_No = Split(MyOpenArgs, "-")(1)

End Sub

Anyone know why I am getting this error?

Ken Snell [MVP]

What are the variables "Qry_Rental_Detail" and "Qry_Eval_Detail" holding?
Are they text strings that contain the names of queries? Or are they meant
to be the actual names of the queries? If the latter, enclose them in "
characters so that you pass the names as text string to the OpenForm method:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_Eval_Detail", acNormal, "Qry_Eval_Detail", , acFormAdd,
acWindowNormal, MyOpenArgs


"Qry_Rental_Detail" is the name of an actual query in my database.

I've modified the OpenForm Method as follows:

Case "Rental"
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_Rental_Detail", acNormal, "Qry_Rental_Detail", ,
acFormAdd, acWindowNormal, MyOpenArgs

Still getting "subscript out of range".

What else could it be?

Ken Snell [MVP]

Do you get the error if you leave out the MyOpenArgs argument?

Is it possible that the error is occurring in the form's RecordSource query?
Perhaps there is a function there that is causing this error?

Ken Snell


Emma said:
I'm getting a subscript out of range error when trying to pass arguments via
OpenArgs. This is my code in my first form.

Private Sub Job_Type_AfterUpdate()
Dim MyOpenArgs As String

MyOpenArgs = Me!Job_ID & "-" & Me!Account_No

Select Case Me!Job_Type

Case "New Contract"
DoCmd.GoToControl "Frame_Contract_Option"

Case "Rental"
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_Rental_Detail", acNormal, Qry_Rental_Detail, ,
acFormAdd, acWindowNormal, MyOpenArgs
Case "Evaluation"

DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_Eval_Detail", acNormal, Qry_Eval_Detail, ,
acFormAdd, acWindowNormal, MyOpenArgs
Case Else
DoCmd.GoToControl "Rep_name"

End Select

End Sub

In my second form I have:

Private Sub Form_Load()

FK_Master_Job_ID = Split(MyOpenArgs, "-")(0)
Rental_Acct_No = Split(MyOpenArgs, "-")(1)

End Sub

What happens if you comment out

'FK_Master_Job_ID = Split(MyOpenArgs, "-")(0)
'Rental_Acct_No = Split(MyOpenArgs, "-")(1)

and just debug.print MyOpenArgs?

Ken Snell [MVP]

Thanks to rkc's post, I note that I didn't see the part about the second
form's code content in your original post.

I agree with rkc that the problem most likely is because the OpenArgs string
is not what you expect. Are you sure that the Me!Job_ID and the
Me!Account_No controls actually have values?


Ken Snell


Hi Ken,

Just getting back to this. . . .

I know that MyOpenArgs has a string value in it. However, it looks like the
values are not coming over to my second form/report.

When I comment out those particular lines of code the form/report opens but
no values are passed.

Any ideas on what is keeping the values from beign passed?

Duane Hookom

Have you set Option Explicit and tried to compile your code? I don't know
how you expect the variable "MyOpenArgs" to have a value in the newly opened
form. Try something like:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim MyOpenArgs as String
MyOpenArgs = Me.OpenArgs
FK_Master_Job_ID = Split(MyOpenArgs, "-")(0)
Rental_Acct_No = Split(MyOpenArgs, "-")(1)
End Sub


Hi Duane,

I've revised my code to reflect OpenArgs as the passed data and have set
the form as Option Explicit and recompiled the code. I am still not getting
any values passed to the OpenArgs in the called form. Why are the values not
being passed?

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Dim txt_Account_No As String
Dim FK_Job_ID As Integer
Dim Contract_Account_Name As String

If IsNull(OpenArgs) = False Then

FK_Job_ID = Split(OpenArgs, ",")(0)
txt_Account_No = Split(OpenArgs, ",")(1)
Contract_Account_Name = Split(OpenArgs, ",")(2)

End If


If you don't mind, I'm going to re-post this under the correct subject "No
values being passed through OpenArgs"

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