Subscript out of range setting Workbooks.Item(bookname)



Trying to write a class wrapper to handle calls to excel object model via

'in cls
Private moExcelApp as Excel.Application
Private moWorkBook as Workbook

'FullPath = "Z:\0\0code\vb\excel\TestBook.xls"
Public Sub OpenWorkBook(FullPathName as String)
Dim fName as String

fName = FileNameOnly(FullPathName)
'fName = "TestBook"

If FileExists(FullPathName) Then
moExcelApp.WorkBooks.Open FullPathName

'>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subscript out of range error here
Set moWorkBook = moExcelApp.WorkBooks.Item(fName)

LogError "File not found " & FullPathName
End If

I thought one could use a name as index to .Item property
what am I doing wrong?

Dave Peterson

You didn't share the FileNameOnly function.

Any chance you're stripping the extension in that function. If you are, then
don't do that. Depending on a windows setting (to show extensions for know file
types), you could have this trouble.

Another option would be to replace this:

moExcelApp.WorkBooks.Open FullPathName
Set moWorkBook = moExcelApp.WorkBooks.Item(fName)

set moworkbook = moExcelApp.WorkBooks.Open(FullPathName)


Wow Thanks for the prompt response

Dave Peterson said:
You didn't share the FileNameOnly function.

Any chance you're stripping the extension in that function. If you are,
don't do that. Depending on a windows setting (to show extensions for
know file
types), you could have this trouble.

Yes I am stripping the extension...I assumed local workbook names would just
be the name without the extension...thanks for the clarification...
Another option would be to replace this:

moExcelApp.WorkBooks.Open FullPathName
Set moWorkBook = moExcelApp.WorkBooks.Item(fName)

set moworkbook = moExcelApp.WorkBooks.Open(FullPathName)

ok that's great...
The help in excel and in vba in excel did not say that the .open method had
a return value....I should have just tried it :)

is there a "developer" help in excel hidden away somewhere? other than
opening vba in excel and going to help from there?

Thanks again

Dave Peterson

You're welcome. Here's hoping it was right!

(and it should have been "...knowN extensions...")

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