Michael Balda
I do not have Project Server but wonder about purchasing it.
Does the Substitute resources function - automatically assign resources to
tasks that have defined skill sets that are defined in a text column in a
task view and the skill sets are also defined on the resource sheet? SECOND
part of the question if it does, does it automatically assign resources and
NOT over allocate the resource too, thus I would not have a ton of
leveling/fine tuning to do? My project has 13000 tasks approximately and has
80 resources and all resources have different skills that are already
defined. Appreciate your assistance. THIRD part of the question, if you
have project server, would you be willing to take my project, assign names to
the tasks using your software so I can see what server would actually to to
my tasks?
Does the Substitute resources function - automatically assign resources to
tasks that have defined skill sets that are defined in a text column in a
task view and the skill sets are also defined on the resource sheet? SECOND
part of the question if it does, does it automatically assign resources and
NOT over allocate the resource too, thus I would not have a ton of
leveling/fine tuning to do? My project has 13000 tasks approximately and has
80 resources and all resources have different skills that are already
defined. Appreciate your assistance. THIRD part of the question, if you
have project server, would you be willing to take my project, assign names to
the tasks using your software so I can see what server would actually to to
my tasks?