Hi =?Utf-8?B?TmVtZXNpc3Q=?=,
I don´t see what do you mean hier by "callback".
Could you give me some more hints about this?
This is not something I've tried, personally, but here's an
example I picked up a while back. The principle would work
the same in Word.
Here's an example for you that illustrates with the
1. Create a new workbook and put the following code in a
Dim managedObject As Object
Public Sub RegisterCallback(callback As Object)
Set managedObject = callback
Application.OnKey "^m", "DoManagedCallBack"
End Sub
Public Sub DoManagedCallBack()
End Sub
2. Then, create a new Excel project based on the existing
workbook you
3. Add the following code to the project:
Private Sub ThisWorkbook_Open() Handles
ThisApplication.Run("RegisterCallback", Me)
End Sub
Public Sub HandleCtrlM()
End Sub
4. Press F5 to run; when you press Ctrl+m in Excel, the
routine in the assembly is run.
So, what's happening here is that a) you call a macro in
the workbook to
pass it a reference to the assembly's class, b) the macro
stores the
reference to the object, c) you set up OnKey to call a
macro in the
workbook, and d) when the "OnKey" routine fires, it will
use the stored
reference to the object to call a public method
(HandleCtrlM in this
example) in the assembly code. Of course, for this to work,
the VBA
security settings must allow the VBA code in the workbook
to run.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update
Jun 8 2004)
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