Subtasks are Intented Too Much



When I indent a subtask, the indent is large (about 32 characters) on the
screen, requiring me to increase the TASK NAME column width. Subsequent
indents are of equal size, eventually running the 4th indent totally off the
screen. The sheet prints fine (even print preview), and this only happens on
the screen. How do I reduce the indent to only 3 or 4 character spaces like
it appears on the Gantt reports? I can't find any setting to change how big
the outline indent is. I'm using Project 2003 Standard.


I have the same problem. I have tried SP1, the latest HotFix, reinstalling,
I cant find any place where the Indent size is configured, I cant find any
reference to indent in the registry - looks like a real bug :(

Mike Glen

Hi TheJazzGuy and Sam,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

I can't reproduce this on my PC. I think it's more likely to be some
corruption somewhere rather than a bug. We need to discover whether your
project is at fault, whether it is Project at fault, or whether it's your
PC. Does the symptom occur with other projects on this PC? Does it occur
with this project on other PCs? Does it occur with other projects on other

If you suspect a corrupt file, you could try the suggestions in FAQ Item:
43. File Bloat? - Might be Corruption.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Hi Mike,

This problem occurs with any project file opened on this workstation, if
opened on a different workstation the problem does not exist. Any new
projects created on this PC have the same problem. Might be something with
Office 2000 and Project 2003. I dont know the exact history of the
workstation, but it looks like it had Office 2003 installed then removed and
Office 2000 re-installed, or a corrupted Visual Studio install, but I dont
know why a complete new install of Project doesnt fix this, (if it is the

Mike Glen

In that case it sound like something other than Project :( Maybe you'd
better start again with Office and then Project. It sounds as though you
have a rogue set up with this workstation.

Mike Glen
Project MVP



All project files opened on this PC do the same thing, including templates.
The same project files opened on another PC are fine, and other project files
opened on the other PC are fine as well. My issue apparently is the same as

Looking forward to any direction you can offer....


I completely flushed this workstation, reloaded W2K/sp4, O2K/sp3, then
Project 03 and guess what - indent is huge! What is worse is, I remove
Project 03, then install Project 02 and guess what! - indent is huge! What
ever Project 03 does to the indent, it doesnt go away after an uninstall, and
is not overwritten by a Project 2K install. !?!? I just want a working copy
of Project!!!!!! I may go Medieval on this PC!

Mike Glen

Sorry you're having all this trouble, SamC, but it still sounds to me like
something is corrupting your projects from outside Project. You could
contact Microsoft Support. Alternatively, I think I would save all my data
and reformat the workstation and start from afresh. :(

Mike Glen
Project MVP


I am reluctant to spend the time repeating what I already tried. This
workstation's hardrive was re-formatted and nothing installed except Windows
2000 Professional, Office 2000, and Project 2003 - I am currently researching
alternative products that can read a MS Project format files! - well, not
really, I dont know what to do now...
Maybe re-flush, re-install Project 2000 and then upgrade to Project 2003?
Too much fun!

Mike Glen

I suppose you have installed all the latest Service Releases? Good Luck! :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP


I finally fixed this, it has to do with Office 2000/2003 and project 2003.
With Office 2000 installed, if you install Project 2003 you will have this
Indent Problem, the fix I found was to flush all, Install Office 2000, then
Project 2000, Project 2000 SR1, then UPGRADE to Project 2003, and install
Project 2003 SP1. A lot of pain, but the Indents are good now, with Office
2000 and Project 2003 working... What a PITA!


Oh, NOW I remember why I bought an iMac G5 last month. Best PC decision I
ever made, but no MS project. Bummer. So I'm still stuck with huge indents.

I appreciate Sam's solution, as ridiculous as it is to have to go through
that. Kind of like removing your engine to change a brake light.....

Thanks anyway, SamC.

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