Subtotal by similar brand name



Is there anyway to subtotal by a similar word in a cell? I do a lot of brand
ranking reports and each brand may have similar items with the brand name
listed in the description.


Barilla Plus

Racconto Healthy
Racconto Mainstream

In the above examples, is there any way where to get a subtotal for just
Barilla and Racconto without going in an changing the brand names so they all
say Barilla or all say Racconto....


Elsewhere on your sheet (or on a different sheet entirely), you could
just list Barilla, Racconto etc (eg in column X) and then in Y you
could have this formula:


copied down, if you just want to count the entries, or:


if you want to add things from column D where column A partially
matches with X.

If the words can appear anywhere in the text in column A rather than
only at the beginning, then you could use "*"&X1&"*". The asterisk is
a wildcard, meaning any characters.

Hope this helps.



Use :

=Sumif(Names_range, "Barilla*", Values_range) - sums on values where
the corresponding names-cell begins with Barilla.
=Sumif(Names_range, "Racconto*", Values_range) - sums on values where
the corresponding names-cell begins with Racconto.
=Sumif(Names_range, "*Plus", Values_range) - sums on values where the
corresponding names-cell ends with Plus.


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