subtotal copy and paste




I have used the subtotal option in Excel and this is fine. I have also
collasped the list so only the subtotal for each category is visible. However
I want to copy and paste this list (just the subtotal) into another sheet

When I do this it expands and shows all the results. Is it possible to just
copy the visible bit. I have looked in paste special but no luck

Cheers Hager



I have used the subtotal option in Excel and this is fine. I have also
collasped the list so only the subtotal for each category is visible. However
I want to copy and paste this list (just the subtotal) into another sheet

When I do this it expands and shows all the results. Is it possible to just
copy the visible bit. I have looked in paste special but no luck

Cheers Hager

Copy the subtotal result then paste special (values) in a other sheet.
Then filter the list to : Does not Contian "total" and delete all
those rows. Only what you need should be left over. You can then find
& replace " Total" for "".

That will do the tirck.

Dave Peterson

After you hide the rows you don't want to see, hit F5 (or ctrl-g) or Edit|Goto
(in xl2003 menus).

Then select the range you want to copy (including both the hidden and visible

Then click the Special button
choose Visible cells only.

Copy those visible cells and paste (paste special|values???) to the new

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