SUBTOTAL function



Is there any way to total the values that are created by the sub-total
function in a grand total? I know the grand total is designed to IGNORE the
SUBTOTAL function values when calculating the grand total, but how can I get
it to include ONLY the SUBTOTAL function values?


Why do you want to do that? How will it be different from the 'grand total'
excluding sub total values?


In a case where I have a continuity of numbers. For example, say I want to
track the number of units I have in inventory on a monthly basis. I have a
column set up where each cell references the one above, then adds or
subtracts purchases and sales from other columns to come to ending monthly
inventory (ie in cell C2 I have the formula +C1+A2-B2. This formula is
repeated 12 times in a column, and then this block of 12 is repeated for each
individual inventory item. I'm trying to find a way to capture the last of
those 12 values for each inventory item , so I can sum total units in
inventory across multiple inventory items that all tracked on the same


You must have some way to indicate which cells you want to add up
for example if you have the SubTotal in Col D for the rows you want to add
up then use this formula

Adjust 500 to your last row... this formula can be anywhere other than the
range C1:D500

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