


I have values in cells c9 to c12 and values in c15 to c18. In c19 I want the
subtotal of c9 times c15, + c10 times c16, + c11 times c17, + c12 times c18.
I used the formula in c19 as follows:
=subtotal(9,(c9*c15)+(c10*c16)+c11*c17)+(c12*c18)) but it is not working.
Please for some help.


thanks Mike and McG for your responses but they would not quite work because
I have more groups of subtotals to place in the worksheet and at the end I
want the grand total of all the subtotals. I am using Office 2003 I don't
know if itb is better able to be achieved in the 2007 version. I got it
easily done in Lotus but I would have liked to use it in Excel.

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