Subtracting Dates - Mike




I'm trying to figure out the elapsed time (or the turnaround time) between
two dates at work. I have input it as such:

Date Received: 5/4/07 3:41 PM
Date Due By: 5/8/07 1:40 PM

Using this formula: =(DAY(G5)-DAY(F5))&" days and "&TEXT(G5-F5,"h:mm")

For that specific time frame, the formula works perfectly. I have this for
an answer: 4 days and 21:59

However, when these two dates come up, I have a problem.

Date Received: 4/30/07 4:26 PM
Date Due By: 5/3/07 1:00 PM

For that date range, I bring this back for an answer: -27 days and 20:34

I know, in theory, why it is pulling back that answer, but does anybody know
what adjustments I could make to the formula to bring me back the answer I'm
looking for? Thanks a lot.

JE McGimpsey

One way:

=INT(G5-F5) & " days and " & TEXT(MOD(G5-F5,1), "h:mm")

XL stores date/times as offsets from a base date, with days as integers
and times as fractions.

Gary''s Student

=DATEDIF(F5,G5,"y")&" years, "&DATEDIF(F5,G5,"ym")&" months,
"&DATEDIF(F5,G5,"md")&" days "&TEXT(MOD(G5-F5,1),"hh "" hours "" mm"" minutes
"" ss ""seconds""")

will return:

0 years, 0 months, 3 days 20 hours 34 minutes 00 seconds

JE McGimpsey

Yes, but try it with

F5: 01/31/2007 15:20
G5: 03/01/2007 14:10

0 years, 1 months, -2 days 22 hours 50 minutes 00 seconds

Probably not what the OP wanted...

Better just to do the math.


Thank you for your first post. It seems to be working the way I wanted it to.


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