subtracting dates


GenE Shockley

Microsoft Access 97. No experience in writing code, but program in queries
Have query that includes two dates. Need to subtract date 1 from date 2 and
get response in ##years ## months ## days.

10/03/1984-07/06/1954 = 30 years 2 months 27 days

Have tried writing expression:
Expr1: [david dob]-[mom dob] and result shows as 11047

also: Expr1: [david dob (y,m,d)]-[mom dob(y,m,d)] When running the query
it now asks me to enter david dob and then mom dob and returns a result of 30
However david dob and mom dob are fields that already includes the date and
I am trying to avoid entering the date again in a pop up box as well as
trying to get the true result of 30 years 2 months 27 days.

By the way, I tried reading through the help screens in the database as
well as searching through past messages here.

Thanks, for any help.

raskew via

Try plugging this into a standard module, then call it from the debug window
as shown:

Function fAgeYMD(StartDate As Date, EndDate As Date) As String
'Purpose: Returns the difference between StartDate and EndDate in full
years, months and days
'Coded by: raskew
'To call:
' ? fAgeYMD(#7/6/54#, #10/3/84#)
' 30 years 2 months 28 days

Dim intHold As Integer
Dim dayHold As Integer

intHold = Int(DateDiff("m", StartDate, EndDate)) + _
(EndDate < DateSerial(year(EndDate), month(EndDate), Day

If Day(EndDate) < Day(StartDate) Then
dayHold = DateDiff("d", StartDate, DateSerial(year(StartDate), month
(StartDate) + 1, 0)) & Day(EndDate)
dayHold = Day(EndDate) - Day(StartDate)
End If

fAgeYMD = Int(intHold / 12) & " year" & IIf(Int(intHold / 12) <> 1, "s ",
" ") _
& intHold Mod 12 & " month" & IIf(intHold Mod 12 <> 1, "s ", " ")
& LTrim(str(dayHold)) & " day" & IIf(dayHold <> 1, "s", "")

End Function

HTH - Bob

GenE said:
Microsoft Access 97. No experience in writing code, but program in queries
Have query that includes two dates. Need to subtract date 1 from date 2 and
get response in ##years ## months ## days.

10/03/1984-07/06/1954 = 30 years 2 months 27 days

Have tried writing expression:
Expr1: [david dob]-[mom dob] and result shows as 11047

also: Expr1: [david dob (y,m,d)]-[mom dob(y,m,d)] When running the query
it now asks me to enter david dob and then mom dob and returns a result of 30
However david dob and mom dob are fields that already includes the date and
I am trying to avoid entering the date again in a pop up box as well as
trying to get the true result of 30 years 2 months 27 days.

By the way, I tried reading through the help screens in the database as
well as searching through past messages here.

Thanks, for any help.

GenE Shockley

As I said above, I don't know how to program in code, and I haven't ever
used modules either. I don't feel comfortable trying code or modules without
having someone stand over my shoulder and explaining everything from booleans
to dim to exactly where to put the code and how to access it. I.T people are
under contract to NOT have any access to client records so they refuse to
work with access tables/queries etc.

I am self taught, and there isn't anybody at work to guide me.

Is there a simpler way to do it that just involves a statement in queries?

Thanks for trying.
GenE Shockley

Allen Browne said:
See the more complete DateDiff() function here:

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

GenE Shockley said:
Microsoft Access 97. No experience in writing code, but program in
Have query that includes two dates. Need to subtract date 1 from date 2
get response in ##years ## months ## days.

10/03/1984-07/06/1954 = 30 years 2 months 27 days

Have tried writing expression:
Expr1: [david dob]-[mom dob] and result shows as 11047

also: Expr1: [david dob (y,m,d)]-[mom dob(y,m,d)] When running the query
it now asks me to enter david dob and then mom dob and returns a result of
However david dob and mom dob are fields that already includes the date
I am trying to avoid entering the date again in a pop up box as well as
trying to get the true result of 30 years 2 months 27 days.

By the way, I tried reading through the help screens in the database as
well as searching through past messages here.

Thanks, for any help

Allen Browne

Gene, trying to do this just with expression in in queries will be *much*
more complicated than using code.

Let's see if we can talk you through how to copy'n'paste the code.

1. Click the Modules tab of the Database Window.
Click New. Access opens a new module.

2. From the article, copy all the text between:
'***************** Code Start **************
'************** Code End *****************
Paste into your module (Ctrl+V.)

3. To check that Access understands it choose Compile on the Debug menu (in
the code window.) If it gives no errors, you're fine.

4. Save the module with a name such as Module1. Close the module.

5. Open your query. You can now use Diff2Dates() just like any of the other
functions in Access. Assuming you have Date/Time fields named [david dob
(y,m,d)] and [mom dob(y,m,d)], you would type something like this into the
Field row in query design:
Diff2Dates("ymd", [david dob (y,m,d)], [mom dob(y,m,d)])

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

GenE Shockley said:
As I said above, I don't know how to program in code, and I haven't ever
used modules either. I don't feel comfortable trying code or modules
having someone stand over my shoulder and explaining everything from
to dim to exactly where to put the code and how to access it. I.T people
under contract to NOT have any access to client records so they refuse to
work with access tables/queries etc.

I am self taught, and there isn't anybody at work to guide me.

Is there a simpler way to do it that just involves a statement in queries?

Thanks for trying.
GenE Shockley

Allen Browne said:
See the more complete DateDiff() function here:

Microsoft Access 97. No experience in writing code, but program in
Have query that includes two dates. Need to subtract date 1 from date 2
get response in ##years ## months ## days.

10/03/1984-07/06/1954 = 30 years 2 months 27 days

Have tried writing expression:
Expr1: [david dob]-[mom dob] and result shows as 11047

also: Expr1: [david dob (y,m,d)]-[mom dob(y,m,d)] When running the
it now asks me to enter david dob and then mom dob and returns a result
However david dob and mom dob are fields that already includes the
I am trying to avoid entering the date again in a pop up box as well as
trying to get the true result of 30 years 2 months 27 days.

By the way, I tried reading through the help screens in the database
well as searching through past messages here.

Thanks, for any help

GenE Shockley

Allen, thanks for the response.

It does sound easy the way you have explained it and I will try it as soon
as I can.

I copied the hint into an e-mail to send to myself, but am wondering if
there is any way to bookmark a particular response?

GenE Shockley

Allen Browne

Depends how you read the newsgroup.

I'm using Outlook Express. Under Tools | Accounts, you Add a News account on
the server:

Then subscribe to the groups, e.g.:

You can now:
- Flag messages
- mark them as Watched
- use Ctrl+H to see just the threads you contributed to.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

GenE Shockley said:
Allen, thanks for the response.

It does sound easy the way you have explained it and I will try it as soon
as I can.

I copied the hint into an e-mail to send to myself, but am wondering if
there is any way to bookmark a particular response?

GenE Shockley

Allen Browne said:
Gene, trying to do this just with expression in in queries will be *much*
more complicated than using code.

Let's see if we can talk you through how to copy'n'paste the code.

1. Click the Modules tab of the Database Window.
Click New. Access opens a new module.

2. From the article, copy all the text between:
'***************** Code Start **************
'************** Code End *****************
Paste into your module (Ctrl+V.)

3. To check that Access understands it choose Compile on the Debug menu
the code window.) If it gives no errors, you're fine.

4. Save the module with a name such as Module1. Close the module.

5. Open your query. You can now use Diff2Dates() just like any of the
functions in Access. Assuming you have Date/Time fields named [david dob
(y,m,d)] and [mom dob(y,m,d)], you would type something like this into
Field row in query design:
Diff2Dates("ymd", [david dob (y,m,d)], [mom dob(y,m,d)])


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