I just started working with access and having issue with calculating a total.
For example in a query I am attempting to calculate the results of Column A
- Column B but the resulting (Result) is not what I was expecting (Expected).
Can someone help me shed light on this. I want to show the variance between
the numbers.
Column A Column B Result Expected
0 -100 100
100 -100 200
100 50 150
Is there anyway to at lease get column b to subtract from column a and
report it as the results.... seems like all it does is add it. I have tried
this with currancy (-$1.00) and Integers also.... don't get it.
For example in a query I am attempting to calculate the results of Column A
- Column B but the resulting (Result) is not what I was expecting (Expected).
Can someone help me shed light on this. I want to show the variance between
the numbers.
Column A Column B Result Expected
0 -100 100
100 -100 200
100 50 150
Is there anyway to at lease get column b to subtract from column a and
report it as the results.... seems like all it does is add it. I have tried
this with currancy (-$1.00) and Integers also.... don't get it.