Subweb or Folders?


Steve Horrillo

I want to publish several folders to the same domain, each folder is a
seperate business web with a different set of images. I have them in
separate folders. I converted these folders to sub-webs. Now when I try to
modify the sub-web a new instance of FP opens and when I try to publish from
that window it wants to overwrite my main web. So I'm forced to close that
instance and republish the whole web again. Firstly, am I doing something
wrong or is this the way to modify and re-publish a sub-web. Second, is it
better to just keep the separate businesses in folder? What's the benefit of
converting to sub-webs? BTW the url is

Warmest regards,

Steve Horrillo, Realtor | Trainer | Hypnotherapist (Advanced training for real estate
professionals) (Realtors earn over 100 percent)

Thomas A. Rowe


1. Your web host must allow you to create and publish subwebs / sites

2. You would then open the subweb / site in a new instance of FP, then you enter the URL as

By have subwebs/subsites each site is a completely independent web under a FP rootweb or can be
publish to completely different domain as a rootweb.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.

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