Successor start date not updated by predecessor end date


Amy Ritter

I have two tasks, A and B. Task B is set as the
successfor for task A with FS start relationship. Task A
was set to end on 9/29, however Task B has a start date
of 9/18 and I have to manually change the start date for
Task B if I want it to line up correctly for the FS
relationship with Task A (start date should be 9/30). I
am concerned that if dates change, the successor start
date won't update automatically. Can anyone tell me why
this is happening?


Could be a couple of things.

1) Calculation is set to manual - go to tools menu / options / calculation
tab and ensure it is set to Automatic - or Press the F9 key.

2) There is an actual start for Task B. go to insert menu / columns and
insert the actual start column. If you see anything other than NA then
project thinks that the task has started (perhaps you have entered some work
or a percent complete greater than 0) and it will not change this.

3) Task B has a constraint on it that will not let it move. Double click the
task to bring up the task information dialog box. On the advanced tab you
can see the constraint type and constraint date. If there is a MUST ... type
of constraint that is your problem.


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