Sudden Increase in ol2003 shut down time



I am running ol2003 (SP3) and Win XP SP3. I have noticed a significan
increase in the amount of time it takes ol2003 to shut down; shut dow
time went from a second or two to a full 10 seconds. This occurre
immediately after an op/sys update; so that is that is the likely cause
I have been delaying this update for about two weeks and finall
decided to let it happen today.

Anyone else have similar problems in the last week or two? If so, di
you find a fix?



Further to this slowdown problem. I rolled my system back to a restor
point just before the opsys update and the problem is fixed. So it mos
likely was the opsys updates


and a further comment ...

I use MS Word as my editor in Outlook. The shut down problem may hav
been a Word shut down issue and not Outlook. I did not notice
significant change in how long it took Word to shut down after the opsy
upgrade, but ...

I may go back and carefully test this when I have some spare tim

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