Sudden Printing Problems



Running OfficeXP... Word 2002 - SP2...

I have a large document (30+ MB) with some very detailed graphics files
inserted into a MS Word document... TIF format... when I print the imgages
from PhotoDraw or another application they come out fine...

I edited these graphics recently with PhotoDraw and placed them back in my
word document (cut the old out and pasted the new files in)... Now
suddenly... when I print the word document, including the graphics, the
newly pasted images come out at very low resolution and very poor quality...
all the other images in the original word file still print properly...

I haven't changed any settings in Word or on the printer... I've used the
same printer for printing both the document and the images separately...

I'm at a loss... any suggestions would be very helpful...

thanks... t

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Tim,

From your description it could be an issue
with the clipboard formats or the size of
the document. 30mb is a large file for Word,
especially if it's mainly text.

If you copy the same graphics from Photodraw
into a new word document do you get the same

If you use Photodraw 2000 v2 to send the graphics
to MS Word or save them to disk in a format other
than .MIX and insert those same graphics into
Word via Insert=>Picture do you get the same problem?

Running OfficeXP... Word 2002 - SP2...

I have a large document (30+ MB) with some very detailed graphics files
inserted into a MS Word document... TIF format... when I print the imgages
from PhotoDraw or another application they come out fine...

I edited these graphics recently with PhotoDraw and placed them back in my
word document (cut the old out and pasted the new files in)... Now
suddenly... when I print the word document, including the graphics, the
newly pasted images come out at very low resolution and very poor quality...
all the other images in the original word file still print properly...

I haven't changed any settings in Word or on the printer... I've used the
same printer for printing both the document and the images separately...

I'm at a loss... any suggestions would be very helpful...

thanks... t >>


Thanks very much Bob.... deleting the images and reinserting them via
Insert|Picture|From File did the trick... it must be the clip board

Thanks again... t

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