Suddenly There is a Macro


Jeff Bishop

I've got a .doc that upon opening suddenly appears to have a macro in
it. How do I find/remove it?

J.E. McGimpsey

Jeff Bishop said:
I've got a .doc that upon opening suddenly appears to have a macro in
it. How do I find/remove it?

First, what does "appears to have a macro in it" mean? What are you

One way to remove a macro:

Choose Tools/Macro/Macros. Click on the macro name then click the
Edit button - the VBE will open. Delete the entire macro (From "Sub"
or "Public Sub" to "End Sub")

If you don't see the macro listed, choose Tools/Macro/Visual Basic
Editor (VBE) (or type OPT-F11). In the Project Browser window of the
VBE, you will see a project with your document's name. Using the
folder hierarchy, open each module under your project, to find the
macro. Delete it as above, or, if the module is in the Modules
folder or the Class Modules folder, choose File/Remove module...
Type OPT-F11 to return to Word.

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