

Wim Rijsdijk


I am trying to make an Excel-spreadsheet, based on Sudoku puzzle.

So , cells a1 to i1 have to be filled with the numbers 1 to 9, in random

a1 = empty
b1 = empty
c1 = 4
d1 = empty
e1 = empty
f1 = 6
g1 = empty
h1 = empty
i1 = empty

As you see, a1 to i1 is only filled with 4 and 6.
So the number 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 has to be filled in, in the others
cells in row 1.

Now I want the following: in column k , I want to see which numbers are
used or not used, so in this example
in row 1, it is 1,2,3,5,7,8,9

The problem is, I want a formula to put on k1, with the following needs:
- check for a1 to i1 if number 1 is on it. In this example NO.
- if NO, then on k1 the number 1 has to appear
- it YES, then on k1 the number 1 has to disappear.

if((a1:i1)=1;" ";"1") is not working. What is the solution ?!?!?!?

If I have 1 formula, I can fill the other cells.

Thanks in advance, for helping me.

Wim Rijsdijk


If I have 1 formula, I can fill the other cells.

Thanks in advance, for helping me.

Wim Rijsdijk

It took some time as I had to try this out. The functions are in Dutch and
I do not have all the translations. Is that a problem? ;-)))

If it were only one row, the solution is simple.
You have to expand the given solution to cover all 9 rows (which I saw was
the standard layout).

I have used some worksheet locations to gather the necessary data.

In cells O1:O9 the numbers 1 to 9.

In cell N1:

In cell P1:


This formula can be copied to cells P2:p9

In cell K1:

Wim Rijsdijk

Dodo2u said:
It took some time as I had to try this out. The functions are in Dutch and
I do not have all the translations. Is that a problem? ;-)))

If it were only one row, the solution is simple.
You have to expand the given solution to cover all 9 rows (which I saw was
the standard layout).

I have used some worksheet locations to gather the necessary data.

In cells O1:O9 the numbers 1 to 9.

In cell N1:

In cell P1:


This formula can be copied to cells P2:p9

In cell K1:


Had alles in het Engels geschreven, maar ben wel Nederlands. Was alleen voor
deze formule op zoek gegaan naar een passende nieuwsgroep, en omdat ik alles
daar in het Engels zag staan, heb ik me maar aangepast...
Dus de Nederlandse formule in je uitleg kwam/komt heel goed van pas.
Heb nog wel alles moeten omzetten naar gegevens op 1 rij (tenslotte zijn er
in een Sudoku-puzzel 9 rijen, en ook 9 kolommen), maar de formule zoals je
die doorgaf was wel de aanzet naar de oplossing.

Nogmaals bedankt !!!!!!

Wim Rijsdijk


maar de formule zoals je die doorgaf was wel de aanzet naar de

Nogmaals bedankt !!!!!!

Wim Rijsdijk

Graag gedaan of zoals het hier in de nieuwsgroep hoort: It was a pleasure!

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