I have to keep inventory records. i have designed 3
items: item_id, name, qty
issued: transaction_id, item_id(FK from items), qty_issued
received:transaction_id, item_id(FK), qty_received
Whenever i receive item...
1.I simply record the transaction as it is to received
2.and add that received quantity into items table (macro
used on onUpdate event).
Likewise i deduct the issued qty from items table while
issuing through issued table. Is my design good or do i
need some improvement?
items: item_id, name, qty
issued: transaction_id, item_id(FK from items), qty_issued
received:transaction_id, item_id(FK), qty_received
Whenever i receive item...
1.I simply record the transaction as it is to received
2.and add that received quantity into items table (macro
used on onUpdate event).
Likewise i deduct the issued qty from items table while
issuing through issued table. Is my design good or do i
need some improvement?