Suggest providing an Office API




I am writeng an Excel/PPT/Word COM Add-in using ATL in C++, my product needs
a feature/funcationality that can detect an Office file(Excel/PPT/Word file)
is opened as either embedded or linked object, so that my product can
distinguish them and implement different behaviors for each one respectively
when opening them, I have searched almost all of Word/PPT/Excel APIs, but
couldn't find one.

I recommend strongly that MSFT can provide such kind of API to programmers
of the Second Developement for Office, it's much appreciated if you can do so.

A sample of expected result that such API can behave:

1, User insert an Excel file as embedded(linked) object into PPT file
2, Open the embedded object directly

Expected result of calling such API:
It can detect that the Excel file is an embedded(linked) object when it's

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