Suggested Pdf software



I continually generate four page Word Documents with 12/14 large photos. A
business associate, with Adobe Pdf Creator, can create a Pdf file which
always comes in at 240/300kbs max. This size of file is permitted as an
upload to my business web site and often used to email my customers.

However I just can't afford to buy the software for myself and have looked
at other Pdf creating software and downloaded a number of trial programmes
but every time the file sizes are far too large. Some let you tweak the
conversion setting but some don't and some have options for screen, home
printing or professional printing sizes.

Any ideas would be very welcome as I don't mind spending £50 or so but not
the hundreds of pounds for the Adobe.


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Have you tried PrimoPDF. The price is right and I have found it to be as
efficient as far as file size is concerned as Acrobat.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Pat Garard

G'Day Ken,

Just as there is Microsoft Office, there is also Star Office by Sun

The core of Star Office is a suite of Programs known as Open Office.

Now Open Office is FREE - yes FREE.

The suite consists of programs that have a VERY FAIR degree of
compatibility with Microsoft Office. These include:
Writer (Word)
Calc (Excel)
Impress (PowerPoint)

Using Writer, you can open standard Word documents with a reasonable
degree of confidence.

(Similarly for Impress and Calc ...)

To address your issue, Open Office also has an excellent 'Export as PDF ...'

While I won't be giving up Microsoft Office anytime soon, I always have Open
Office installed - I have a number of correspondents, clients and students that
use Open Office/Star Office and I have inter-converted numerous Word docs
without any real problems.

You can download open Office 2.10 at:

Good Luck!


Thanks Doug

I have downloaded and it is tantalisingly near in that the first few have
been well under 300kb but there has been the odd one over.

I will try more documents again later or may try and see if the web host can
increase my size of upload limit by 50kb to 350kb which would sort it out.
Last time I asked it was no.



Hi Pat

Just downloaded and have tried and it seems to work but will play with it
more later. Thanks for the tip and it might be a possible answer but like
you I will still stick to Word for most of the time.


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Try using the PrimoPDF printer to print the .pdf file that it creates.
Sometimes (but not always) it will reduce the size even further.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Just tried it to see if it reduces file size and it does between 5% and 10%
so again I am grateful to you.

Where on earth did you fathom out that tip??

Mystified - but grateful!


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

It's an old trick used with many things, originally some of the early file
compression software when trying to get things to fit on one floppy disk.

At work the other day I received an email from a company to which they had
attached a .pdf of a brocure that was 12MB. After opening it with Acrobat
and then printing it with the PrimoPDF printer, it reduced to 175KB!
Printing both versions to a colour printer, you could not tell which printed
copy came from which.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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