Suggestion - Flag Summary in a page



Rather than having the Flag Summay in Task Pane, I would like to see it in a
page within my Folder/Section. Perhaps we can have an option to view it at a
page or in Task Pane.

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Erik Sojka (MVP)

You mean something other than the "Create Summary Page" option on the Notes
Flag Summary Task Pane? Something more dynamic?


Yes, something dynamic.
The current option does not update already created page. I would prefer if
the page gets updated dynamically.

The latest flagged text can be simply appended to the 'Important' page,
maybe even with timstamp.


I definitely agree-- How can we be expected to know how we want to customize
our note flags the very first time we implement them? As we get the hang of
it, we're penalized for it by having to go back and update manually. I can
see how the current non-update of changes may be helpful, but an option to
update them would be great!!

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Existing notes whose Flags are no longer in the current list are still
present in the pages and will still appear in the NFS Task Pane and on the
NFS page.

I've customized and recustomized and recustomized my flags over the years
as my workflow needs change, and I"ve never needed to redo all of my
flagged notes. If I had a "To-Do" Flag with a blue checkbox, and I change
it to a "Things To Do" Flag with a green checkbox, the presence of
uncompleted notes with the old flag shouldn't matter. I still need to do
those old tasks, right? They will still appear in the NSF and I should
still see them and be reminded of them.

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