Suggestion for Searching



I enjoy using OneNote. But there is one thing it can't do that, to me, would
seem fundamental. It's amazing what it CAN search: sound, images, text.
That's good.

But it would seem obvious that it should also be able to search the text
within attached files if .pdf, .doc, .xls, .ppt, etc. I would think that
OneNote should at least be capable of highlighting an attached file to let
you know that the search string is found within the attached, embedded
document somewhere.

If there is a way to do this, I apologize for the post. But I haven't yet
discovered how.

Doug Smith

Man, I just wish OneNote would support typical tagging. You create a
note, create one, two or a bunch of relevant tags, and you're done. As
far as I can figure ON tagging allows for only 1 tag at a time. I have
absolutely no idea why they would limit that feature, especially when
attaching documents that you mention which are not searchable.

Rainald Taesler

Doctor said:
I enjoy using OneNote. But there is one thing it can't do that, to
me, would seem fundamental. It's amazing what it CAN search: sound,
images, text. That's good.

But it would seem obvious that it should also be able to search the
text within attached files if .pdf, .doc, .xls, .ppt, etc. I would
think that OneNote should at least be capable of highlighting an
attached file to let you know that the search string is found within
the attached, embedded document somewhere.

If there is a way to do this, I apologize for the post. But I haven't
yet discovered how.

This means just asking for too much ...
NO, this is *not* possible and will not be a feature in the new ON2010.


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