Suggestion: Have Option for old or new interface for Office Apps



Example of many: Used to be in Word 2003 and way back, that inserting "page 1
of 10" was easy. Now you brainiac einsteins have buried the "of 10"
somewhere brilliant - so much so that it is a huge bratten time suck and I
still haven't found it. You guys should be ashamed to have made such a foul
up. Millions of users investing zillions of hours becoming familiar with MS
Office 03 now are rank beginners in 07. $%&^@!! You still have, in Excel for
example, compatibility with Lotus 123 for God's sake, but no compatibility
with MSO2003. Ugh! And to have to go to your sad incomplete online tools to
find things on 2007 by looking up what you used to do no problemo in 2003??!!
Think about that...!
SUGGESTION (STRONG) make it a user option to have the old familiar interface
or the new wussy interface.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Not going to happen.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, insanecrab asked:

| Example of many: Used to be in Word 2003 and way back, that inserting
| "page 1 of 10" was easy. Now you brainiac einsteins have buried the
| "of 10" somewhere brilliant - so much so that it is a huge bratten
| time suck and I still haven't found it. You guys should be ashamed to
| have made such a foul up. Millions of users investing zillions of
| hours becoming familiar with MS Office 03 now are rank beginners in
| 07. $%&^@!! You still have, in Excel for example, compatibility with
| Lotus 123 for God's sake, but no compatibility with MSO2003. Ugh! And
| to have to go to your sad incomplete online tools to find things on
| 2007 by looking up what you used to do no problemo in 2003??!! Think
| about that...!
| SUGGESTION (STRONG) make it a user option to have the old familiar
| interface or the new wussy interface.
| ----------------
| This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
| suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click
| the "I Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the
| button, follow this link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft
| Web-based Newsreader and then click "I Agree" in the message pane.


insanecrab said:
Example of many: Used to be in Word 2003 and way back, that inserting
"page 1
of 10" was easy.

Err what on earth do you mean by "insert 1 of 10"?


And the people replying to the OP are ignoring what he said, just like
Microsoft has ignored the opinions of millions of users. In general, I have
found that those who like the Ribbon interface are not power users, and for
them there may be advantages. However, I have used Office since version 2 of
Word. When I first got Office 2007 at home (a cheapo NHS version - I won't
let Office 2007 go anywhere near my work environment) - I got a call from my
children - all computer expert users - asking me how to print a document - it
took me 5 minutes to find out how to do a task that I knew how to do in every
version of Word I have ever owned. This does not aid productivity.

Again, recently I tried to create a quick presentation on my home computer
in Powerpoint 2007. I could not find the functions I needed - I knew exactly
what I wanted to do, and could have done it in a few seconds in PP 2003, but
eventually gave up, loaded PP 2003 on my laptop and created the presentation
in a few minutes.

MS have upset millions of experienced users and THERE IS NO LOGIC in
refusing to offer an "old interface" as well.

If Office 2010 does not offer the "old interface", then as a business we
will definitely be moving away from MS Office as a platform, and will be
expecting our medical software suppliers to support the alternative office
platform. I am involved in the User group for our software and I will ensure
that this happens.

Bottom line - MS fails to offer older interface AS AN OPTION, and they will
lose market share +++

Laurie Miles

JoAnn Paules said:
I think the OP is having difficulty figuring out how to insert page numbers
in Word 2007. He is also having difficulty using F1 for Help and using the
interactive Word 2003 to Word 2007 command reference guide at

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Gordon said:
Err what on earth do you mean by "insert 1 of 10"?


drlmiles said:
And the people replying to the OP are ignoring what he said, just like
Microsoft has ignored the opinions of millions of users. In general, I
found that those who like the Ribbon interface are not power users, and
them there may be advantages. However, I have used Office since version 2
Word. When I first got Office 2007 at home (a cheapo NHS version - I won't
let Office 2007 go anywhere near my work environment) - I got a call from
children - all computer expert users - asking me how to print a document -
took me 5 minutes to find out how to do a task that I knew how to do in
version of Word I have ever owned. This does not aid productivity.

Then your application skills in general, as opposed to specific must be
Gosh I'm fed up with the winging and whining of so-called "power users" (no
such term AFAIAC) when confronted with something different.
I too have used Office since Office 95, also Lotus, Multimate, Open Office,
Word Perfect, (all at Advanced Level) and have NO difficulty in a) finding
where things are, and b) where to get help. yes it took me a day or so to
get up to speed, but it's NOT DIFFICULT!

Perhaps if you stopped wining and actually started USING it, then you might
actually LEARN something.


drlmiles said:
And the people replying to the OP are ignoring what he said, just like
Microsoft has ignored the opinions of millions of users. In general, I
found that those who like the Ribbon interface are not power users, and
them there may be advantages. However, I have used Office since version 2
Word. When I first got Office 2007 at home (a cheapo NHS version - I won't
let Office 2007 go anywhere near my work environment) - I got a call from
children - all computer expert users - asking me how to print a document -
took me 5 minutes to find out how to do a task that I knew how to do in
version of Word I have ever owned. This does not aid productivity.

And PS - it took me exactly THIRTY-FIVE SECONDS to find out how to print a
document in Word Help.
So your "five minutes" is another indicator of your general uselessness.

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