Suggestion to help eliminate spam/junk email.


George Newell

I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I am new to this newsgroup:

What I would like to see is a feature for Microsoft Outlook, that is similar
to HotMail. The feature is the mail filter option called "exclusive". It
prevents any email from coming through, unless the sender is listed in your
address book or contacts list.

Has anyone seen such an add-on feature? If not, would someone at Microsoft
respond to me as to the possibility of such a feature in the future? Such a
feature would be greatly appreciated.

It currently bothers me that just by visiting a website (sometimes
inadvertently), a user is considered to have automatically agreed to be
signed up to thousands of so-called "opt-in" mailing lists.

Thanks in advance, for any help with this.

George Newell
(e-mail address removed)

Conrad Pfleging

suggestion would be to not do what you apparently did. If that's your real
email address in this thread you're asking for SPAM. Spammers us automated
programs that "trawl the web and especially groups like this that harvest
any email addresses they find. A good practice is to use a fake address
when posting or "Munge" your address. Take a look at my address and you'll
see what I mean.

George Newell


Thanks for the suggestion. I've tried doing this before, but my internet
provider does not allow me to "munge" or "forge" an email address. Also,
many of these websites are pulling private data from illegal sources. I was
just hoping to see a filter, such as the one HotMail uses, that helps
eliminate spam. One thing that would have to be included in any such
program, is a way to tell if the spammer has forged his/her sending email
address. I am currently approaching my senators/congressmen, to work on new
email legislation that would declare that unsolicited email could be
construed as "criminal harassment" under Federal law. It would be
classified as a felony, with appropriate fines and jail time to be


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