
  • Thread starter Carmen Gauvin-O'Donnell
  • Start date

Carmen Gauvin-O'Donnell

I have some notebooks that have *a lot* of tabs, and I find it a little
frustrating to have to click on the little right and left black arrow one at
a time to get through them... how about incorporating a "you hold it and it
will start scrolling" functionality to those buttons?

Just my $0.02 on a GREAT product!


Rainald Taesler

Carmen said:
I have some notebooks that have *a lot* of tabs, and I find it a
little frustrating to have to click on the little right and left
black arrow one at a time to get through them... how about
incorporating a "you hold it and it will start scrolling"
functionality to those buttons?

Sorry, I do not understand what you mean :-(
Is this about the tabs of the pages?



Carmen Gauvin-O'Donnell said:
I have some notebooks that have *a lot* of tabs, and I find it a little
frustrating to have to click on the little right and left black arrow one
at a time to get through them... how about incorporating a "you hold it and
it will start scrolling" functionality to those buttons?

I second that. Moreover it could be that tabs are shown in two lines!
If you propose a suggestion at "connect" I will rate it.
Please include the link of your suggestion at connect

John Waller

Is this about the tabs of the pages?

No, Section tabs along the top.

If you have lots of Section tabs (too many to fit along the top) then
OneNote shows little black overflow arrows indicating that there are more
Section tabs off screen.

The issue is that the overflow arrows have to be repeatedly clicked one at a
time to scroll through to find the Section tab you want.

Carmen is suggesting a "click and hold" on the overflow arrows so OneNote
scrolls the Section tabs while you're holding the mouse button down.

I support the feature although I normally expand the Notebook Navigation Bar
on the left, expand the Notebook and click on the Section I want for instant

Rainald Taesler

John said:
No, Section tabs along the top.

Oh, now I see!
Thanks a lot. I really had no idea in what mention the arrows was about.
If you have lots of Section tabs (too many to fit along the top)
then OneNote shows little black overflow arrows indicating that
there are more Section tabs off screen.

The issue is that the overflow arrows have to be repeatedly clicked
one at a time to scroll through to find the Section tab you want.

Yes, I know that.
Carmen is suggesting a "click and hold" on the overflow arrows so
OneNote scrolls the Section tabs while you're holding the mouse
button down.
I support the feature

Sounds reasonable
although I normally expand the Notebook
Navigation Bar on the left, expand the Notebook and click on the
Section I want for instant access.

That's what I do too. Normally on my desktop I always have the
Navigation pane open. Not so easy in my TabletPC in portrait mode.
So in first place I try to keep the number of sections small and use
section groups, also nested them when necessary.

Thanks for your explanation and time taken for creating the impressive
collection of sections g>.


Rainald Taesler

Carmen said:
I have some notebooks that have *a lot* of tabs, and I find it a
little frustrating to have to click on the little right and left
black arrow one at a time to get through them... how about
incorporating a "you hold it and it will start scrolling"
functionality to those buttons?

Pls excuse me, Carmen, for not having understood what you were talking
After John Waller's explanations I think that your suggestion is

To be heard by the developers, pls so kind as to post your suggestion in
"Connect", the place for submitting suggestions and bug reports to the
developers team:

When done, pls drop a note with the URL in here so that we can jump in
and vote for your suggestion.


John Waller

although I normally expand the Notebook
That's what I do too. Normally on my desktop I always have the
Navigation pane open.

Same here which is why I rarely use the overflow arrows.
So in first place I try to keep the number of sections small and use
section groups, also nested them when necessary.

We've tried something similar in my wife's business but with our structure

Notebooks = Teachers
Sections = Students (can't be grouped)
Pages = Singing Lessons

we've concluded that 50+ sections per notebook is unavoidable but very

With the Navigation Bar permanently expanded on a 20"+ monitor, finding the
correct section (student) quickly is fast and easy.
Thanks for your explanation and time taken for creating the impressive
collection of sections g>.

No problem. Took at least 5 seconds :)

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