Suggestions for BCM2007



1. When the tasks are arranged to automatically group, so that they will be
grouped by 'today', 'tomorrow' etc, the tasks w/ no date default to the top–
above 'today' and 'tomorrow' etc. I need to be able to force the tasks with
no date to the bottom of the ‘to do bar’, and always stay below the tasks
that have a date.

2. When I add a field to a given view and then leave that view, I expect
that when I come back to that first view the fields I set up there would have
remained. They don’t.

3. When I call a business contact using the phone dialer there is a box
that, if checked, will create a new journal entry. Journal entries, as best I
can tell aren't usable in BCM. I don't even know where these entries go. They
are certainly not in the history for that contact. I need that box to default
to checked, or last condition, and I need it to create a new phone log,
rather than a journal entry. And of course I need that phone log to show up
in the history for that contact.

4. Need to be able to print an envelope or label from a BCM contact and

5. Need to be able to add a drop down button to an account and/or contact
list view. Meaning when viewing accounts in list view, I ought to be able to
add a field which is a drop down button and then edit the items that I would
put in that list. This way if someone were at different levels of a sale with
different accounts, which of course everyone will be, he could have in the
drop down list: sent mailer, left voicemail, sent info packet, talked to, 1st
in, 2nd in… and all would be visible from the account view. The sales person
or account mgr would immediately be able to see who he must target for
contact as he goes through all the visible accounts.

6. Need to be able to add a large field on the general tab to view (in list
view with a scroll bar) the account history. Should be able to double click a
history item which would open the item. Probably should be accompanied by a
“new†button and a “delete†button.

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