Suggestions for Calendar improvements



Below are some MS Outlook Calendar Suggestions for improved usability and
value added features that would be great to incorporate into an upgrade. I'd
be happy to beta test some of them or provide additional comments.

Jim Coler jim@coler(dot)com

1.Allow scheduled activities which are on multiple days to be shortened to
partial days across the calendar day (month view)

2.Allow a menu bar to turn on or off the view of each type of event labels

3.Allow for more labels and additional customization of colors

4.Allow for sorting of whole day activities by drag and drop instead of auto
order by alpha

5.Allow the days in month view to be enlarged to show events beyond the 5
available in the current view.

6.Different calendars to be viewed as an overlapping view (on one month

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

1.Allow scheduled activities which are on multiple days to be shortened to
partial days across the calendar day (month view)

Could already be possiible. You can make a recurring event that isn't a
full day event and it will then be partial days. Perhaps I don't understand
whay you want.
2.Allow a menu bar to turn on or off the view of each type of event labels

Define your own views and then use the Advanced toolbar with the Views
drop-down to select which of them you want to see.
3.Allow for more labels and additional customization of colors

Labels are gone in Outlook 2007 and color categories should do that you
want. There are many more colors that way.
4.Allow for sorting of whole day activities by drag and drop instead of
order by alpha

You could accomplish this with judicious naming of the events.
5.Allow the days in month view to be enlarged to show events beyond the 5
available in the current view.

This can only be approximated, so it's a worthwhile suggestion.
6.Different calendars to be viewed as an overlapping view (on one month

Outlook 2007 allows this.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

#1 - I'm not quite sure I understand the problem.
#2 - You can create custom views to do this.
#3 - Outlook 2003? Will never happen. Outlook 2007 does offer more, although
they switched to color categories and removed labels.
#4 - Not sure if it will be in the next version or not.
#5 - It depends on the size of the window. See for one method to see
#6 - It's a popular feature of Outlook 2007.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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