Suggestions for Form Design



I am trying to design a form to show the following:A Unit has 14 outcomes to
be checked at the same 6 times every day. The outcomes checks can last for
several days. I have to record whether or not the outcome has been acheived
or not for all checks for however long these last. I had originally with
advice from a member made the following:

UnitNo (Primary Key)

This I have found works great if there is only one outcome to be checked a
Another way I had tried was to give each check a separate field ie, 1 to 84
but feel there could be a better way of doing this.

Thanks in advance for any advice given.


You don't need the outcome time field. date/time fields carry both date and
time information.

OutcomeID - AutoNumber
OutcomeDate - Date/Time
UnitNo (Primary Key)

OutcomeID - Long - FK to tblOutComeDay*
OutcomeDate - Date/Time*
Achieved - Yes/No

* Part of composite primary key

Make it a form/subform construct.


Thanks for you advice. However, I need to know both the date and the time
these are checked. I take it that I link the subform by either the OutcomeId
or the Outcome Date? Could you also tell me what you mean by "OutcomeID -
Long - FK to tblOutComeDay*" the LONG? Thanks again for your help

Douglas J. Steele

Dave's saying that the field OutcomeID in tblOutComeDetail should be a Long
Integer, and that it should have the same value as the OutcomeID field in
tblOutComeDay in order to relate a specific entry in tblOutComDetail to its
corresponding entry in tblOutComeDay.


Thanks very much for both you're helps.

Douglas J. Steele said:
Dave's saying that the field OutcomeID in tblOutComeDetail should be a Long
Integer, and that it should have the same value as the OutcomeID field in
tblOutComeDay in order to relate a specific entry in tblOutComDetail to its
corresponding entry in tblOutComeDay.


I have tried to create a relationship with OutcomeID in tblOutcomeDay to
OutcomeID in tblOutcomeDetail but I can only do it if I don't chose Enforce
R Integrity and only then it says it is an indetermined relationship.

Am I doing this right or were am I going wrong?

Douglas J. Steele

Have you set OutcomeID in tblOutcomeDay as the Primary Key?

Have you made sure that OutcomeID in tblOutcomeDetail is not the Primary
Key? (it can be part of a compound primary key, but it cannot be the
primary key by itself)


Can you tell me on another matter but in the same form. If the Achieved field
in the tblOutcomeDetail is No can I get it to open another form(this is a
subform in tblOutcomeDay). I have managed to do this when it is just a form
however, don't know how to do it in a subform?

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