sum a cell value over 75



Please help!!
Excel beginner! I need to build a formula that will add any remaining value
over 75 in a cell.

For example:
In cell A1 = 76.5
In cell A2 - I need a formula that will sum anything over 75 and enter 1.5
into cell A2.

Thanks in advance for everyone's help!!


For example:
In cell A1 = 76.5
In cell A2 - I need a formula that will sum anything over 75 and enter 1.5
into cell A2.

Perhaps, as a start .. try in A2: =IF(A1>75,1.5,"")
A2 will return 1.5 if A1 contains a number exceeding 75, otherwise A2 will
just appear empty ("") -- this is an assumed return which is not specified
above (you didn't say what you want in A2 if A1 doesn't contain a number
exceeding 75).



My interpretation is very different but then I have been wrong before. ;)

I think 1.5 is a variable i.e. it will change with A1. In this example, the difference between 76.5 and 75 is 1.5. So, my formula in A2 will be =A1-75. If A1 is <75, A2 will have a negative number.

Will stay tuned.


Max said:
For example:
In cell A1 = 76.5
In cell A2 - I need a formula that will sum anything over 75 and enter 1.5
into cell A2.

Perhaps, as a start .. try in A2: =IF(A1>75,1.5,"")
A2 will return 1.5 if A1 contains a number exceeding 75, otherwise A2 will
just appear empty ("") -- this is an assumed return which is not specified
above (you didn't say what you want in A2 if A1 doesn't contain a number
exceeding 75).


Perhaps a good point said:
I think 1.5 is a variable i.e. it will change with A1.
In this example, the difference between 76.5 and 75 is 1.5.

In that case, my revised hunch for the OP would be
to try instead in A2: =IF(A1>75,A1-75,A1)

Bob Phillips




Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)


This has turned out to be a guessing game. :)

A couple of phrases from the request caught my eyes:

"...add any remaining value over 75..." and "...sum anything over 75..."

So, I think Bob's formula should take care of this. If it is a negative number, make it zero. This is great. Bob, I didn't know that I could use MAX( ) this way. The MS Excel Help didn't seem to talk about this. Wish there is BP Excel Help as well when I press F1. <bg> Thank you, Bob. I can always learn something from you, be it something as complicated as SUMPRODUCT ( ) or something as simple as MAX ( ).

Have a good weekend.


Max said:
I think 1.5 is a variable i.e. it will change with A1.
In this example, the difference between 76.5 and 75 is 1.5.

In that case, my revised hunch for the OP would be
to try instead in A2: =IF(A1>75,A1-75,A1)


This worked perfectly!!

Thanks Max and Epinn for the help also!!

Yes the 1.5 is a variable and will change depending on the number of hours.


It's good that you did feedback further (Thanks for that!), otherwise guess
we'll never know what was it that you really wanted <g>.

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