Sum based on criteria in multiple fields


Pat Z.

Field names:
CreatedBy, CommRep,PaymentDate,PaymentAmount

My recordset should sum the PaymentAmount field if CreatedBy OR CommRep =
CPRYBAL (sales rep name). This works fine when I do this for one Sales Rep
but I have 4 different Sales Reps I need to calculate.

Field: CPrybalTTL: ([Payment Amount])
Total: Sum
Criteria: [CreatedBy]="CPrybal" or [CommRep]="CPRYBAL"

Field: KFetteTTL: ([Payment Amount])
Total: Sum
Criteria: [CreatedBy]="KFette" or [CommRep]="KFette"

As soon as I add the second the rep, the sum for both appear in the
CPrybalttl = 18,309 KFettettl = 18,309
I'm stuck...
Thanks in advance!


You shouldn't put in the criteria section.

It should look more like this:

Field: CPrybalTTL: IIF([CreatedBy]="CPrybal" OR [CommRep]
="CPrybal",[Payment Amount],0)
Total: Sum

Field: KFetteTTL: IIF([CreatedBy]="KFette" OR [CommRep] ="KFette",[Payment
Total: Sum

and so on...

Pat Z.

Perfect!! Thanks!!

TPratt said:
You shouldn't put in the criteria section.

It should look more like this:

Field: CPrybalTTL: IIF([CreatedBy]="CPrybal" OR [CommRep]
="CPrybal",[Payment Amount],0)
Total: Sum

Field: KFetteTTL: IIF([CreatedBy]="KFette" OR [CommRep] ="KFette",[Payment
Total: Sum

and so on...

Pat Z. said:
Field names:
CreatedBy, CommRep,PaymentDate,PaymentAmount

My recordset should sum the PaymentAmount field if CreatedBy OR CommRep =
CPRYBAL (sales rep name). This works fine when I do this for one Sales Rep
but I have 4 different Sales Reps I need to calculate.

Field: CPrybalTTL: ([Payment Amount])
Total: Sum
Criteria: [CreatedBy]="CPrybal" or [CommRep]="CPRYBAL"

Field: KFetteTTL: ([Payment Amount])
Total: Sum
Criteria: [CreatedBy]="KFette" or [CommRep]="KFette"

As soon as I add the second the rep, the sum for both appear in the
CPrybalttl = 18,309 KFettettl = 18,309
I'm stuck...
Thanks in advance!

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