Sum Calculated Field



I have a report with a Region Header that shows has the item, item shipment
total and item cost in the Item Footer(Put in Item Footer to get a total of
all shipments). I added a text box that calculates the Total Amount by item
multiplying the Shipment Total. I want to have. I want to put a Sum in the
Region Footer that will add up all the Total AMounts of the items to give me
a Grand Total for that region. I gave the Text Box I created to calculate
the cost in the Item Footer the name of TOTALCOST. Thought I could put
=Sum([TOTALCOST]) in the Region footer to get the total, but when I run the
report I get an Enter Paramter Value box that list TOTAL COST. Please advise.

Duane Hookom

You can't sum controls. You can possibly sum the calculation used in the
TOTALCOST text box. Since you didn't provide the control source of TOTALCOST,
I can't be sure if it will work.

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