Yes, it did I had to make some modifications, but it got me pointed in the
right direction. Here is what I came up with:
**This one sums all "invited" meetings that are not cancelled
=Sum(Abs([invited] And [Cancelled]=False)*[Duration])
**This sums all "private" meetings that are not cancelled
=Sum(Abs([private] And [Cancelled]=False)*[Duration])
**This sums all meetings whether cancelled or not
**This sums all cancelled meetings
"invited", "Private", and "cancelled" are check boxes. "Duration" is a
column in the query that supports the report. "Duration:
I''m a novice with an advance way of thinking.
Duane Hookom said:
Did you apply my solution? Did it work?
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
Beyuduzz said:
The name of the check box is "Invited". The duration is already calculated
the query that is tied to the report.
I''m a novice with an advance way of thinking.
Duane Hookom said:
It would have helped tremendously if you had a name for "a logical YES/NO
check box".
Try something like:
=Sum(Abs([alYNcb]) * [Duration])
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
I have a logical YES/NO check box. I need a calcuation that will Sum a
Duration of all entries checked "Yes". I have the following in the
expression builder for the text box on the report, but this sums ALL