Sum Columns


Steve 2008 22

I am creating a repeating table in my form. I have 2 main fields one called
'unit price' and the another called 'quantity'. I have created a expression
box in the table which multiples the quantity by the price to give me a total
price for each line added. I am wanting to add a further box which will sum
up all of the total prices. However I have done everthing I know and it wont
allow me to do this as it does not recognise the expression box as a field. I
know it is possible because microsoft have a template with a similar table.
Are there any experts out there who can help me resolve this problem.


Clay Fox

Hey Steve.

You would not be able to use the sum field since it is an expression and not
a field.

Since your quantity and price vary per line you can not sum each and multiply.

The only way I coudl see it working is if you only had a set number of rows
each time and you could manually calculate it but this is probably not

I would add a total field to your repeating table.
You can have an expression that references a field so just because it is an
expression box it does not mean there is not a field. Otherwise design the
MS template and see how they do it.

Another possible option would be to have a running total field. So as each
line was totaled it would add the new amount to the running total. That
could work if they would not be deleting rows.


Clay Fox

Qdabra Software

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