I did exactly as you suggested, I am getting a popup stating: "The
expression you entered contains invalid syntex. You may have entered an
operand without operator"
Heres what I tried: =employeetime2subreport.Report.txtSumHours I also
tried: =[employeetime2subreport].[Report].[txtSumHours] but the result
was an error in the [textsumhours] textbox on main report. This text box
is placed in a footer. Thanks.
Duane Hookom said:
Sum it in a report footer text box in the subreport and then reference
the text box in your main report:
Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP
Access 2003. I am trying to figure out how to SUM the data from a
subreport [employeetime2subreport]control [Hours], and show this on my
main report [Employeetime2] Thanks.