SUM formula help PLEASE???



Sorry, this was posted to the wrong group originally

I can get this info via pivot table, but there has to be a way to get sum it
via a formula. I have multiple worksheets and each has multiple rows/columns
of data. I want to use 2 different sets of criteria (from different
worksheets) to sum multiple columns of numbers in the master worksheet. I
keep getting #N/A.


Can anyone help?

T. Valko

Try this:



I typed it in, but I'm not getting a value back. When I do a visual check,
it should have a number, but it's blank.


When I input this, I'm not getting a value. It comes back blank. If I hit
F9 to refresh, it still doesn't come up with a correct value. I've done a
visual check and I should have a value in this cell. Help?

T. Valko

It works for me.

I tried uploading a sample file to a file host but the ones I normally use
seem to be having problems at the moment. Go figure!

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