Sum formula



This is a sheet that I have telling which month I need to contact certain people in a training program. Row one needs contacted in april, row 2 in march, row 3 in march, and so on
I need a formula to put on a different sheet that counts how many are due in each month of the year, but the trick is I don't want a month counted if it is skipped such as in row 5 for december because it has already passed

1 5/7/2003 6/9/2003 7/3/2003 10/8/2003 1/12/2004 ap
2 mar apr may aug nov fe
3 2/19/2004 mar apr jul oct ja
4 2/2/2004 mar apr jul oct ja
5 11/18/2003 dec 1/27/2004 apr jul oc

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