Sum Function Without Including Hidden Rows?



I'm using Excel 2000 and have *hidden* several rows that include numeric
data. I want to do a sum function on some of the columns intersecting
those rows, but when I insert an AutoSum function, it includes data in
the visible rows AND the hidden rows. Is there an easy way to perform
a sum function that *only* includes the rows that are *-visible?-*
(Which rows are hidden/visible are subject to constant change)

Thanks for your help!

Peo Sjoblom

You would need a UDF for that or if there is a pattern (like if every other
column/row is hidden)
that you can use regular functions but we need to know where the data starts
and which columns/rows are hidden

Here's a UDF by Dave Petersson

Option Explicit
Function SumVisible(myRng As Range) As Double

Dim myCell As Range
Dim mySum As Double

For Each myCell In myRng.Cells
If myCell.EntireRow.Hidden = True Then
'don't add it
If IsNumeric(myCell.Value) Then
mySum = mySum + myCell.Value
End If
End If
Next myCell

SumVisible = mySum

End Function

Use it like =SUMVISIBLE(A1:A100)

how to install macros and UDFs

David McRitchie

Hi Fred,
Read about SUBTOTAL Worksheet Function in Excel HELP, Index, ...

Post back to this thread if not clear to you.

Don Guillett

Sub subvis()
MsgBox Application.Sum(Columns("a").SpecialCells(xlVisible))
End Sub

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