Sum function


Billy M


I have a query which has a column called amount.

A specific amount is typed into the query and I would like to count the

Basically a person makes a payment which is recorded in the query and I
would like to count the total that person pays over a period of time.

As you may guess I have limited experience of doing this kind of work - so
any help is appreciated.


Michel Walsh

Using Access 2003, make a new query. Bring the table you have to work with.

Click on the summation button on the toolbar to get a new line in the grid,
the line Total.

Bring the field 'customer' or client, or account, in the grid, keep the
proposed GROUP BY

Bring the field with the date of the transaction in the grid, change the
GROUP BY to WHERE, and at the criteria line, type:

BETWEEN 1/1/2005 AND 12/31/2005

as example, to get ONLY the information about year 2005. (You can change the
date as it fits your needs)

Bring the field amount in the grid, change the GROUP BY to SUM.

That's all. You have the SUM for all clients (customers, accounts, whatever)
for the specified period of time.

Vanderghast, Access MVP


Billy said:

I have a query which has a column called amount.

A specific amount is typed into the query and I would like to count the

Basically a person makes a payment which is recorded in the query and I
would like to count the total that person pays over a period of time.

As you may guess I have limited experience of doing this kind of work - so
any help is appreciated.

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You have to create a SUM, not a COUNT of the amount. Click the Group By
icon on the query tool bar (it's the Greek letter Epsilon - a fancy E).
In the Amount column select SUM in the Total row.
MGFoster:::mgf00 <at> earthlink <decimal-point> net
Oakland, CA (USA)
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