Sum Function



I have a report which shows drawings sent, their size, and
the quantity, issued over certain date period.

I have a simple total field for the total number of
drawings sent over the period but what i would also like
is to break this total down into spearate totals for
different drawings sizes.

For example... over the period 20 drawings may have been
seen 10 of which were A1, 6 A4 and 4 A3.

I would like my report to work this out form the "size"
field which appears on the report. This might seem simple
to many but i am a GUI guy and have little experience with
code so even a little bit like this and i crumble.

Thanks James

Duane Hookom

Create a totals query that calculates these values. Probably something like:
SELECT DrawSize, Count(DrawSize) as NumOf
FROM tblDrawIssued
WHERE IssDate between Forms!frmA!txtStart and Forms!frmA!txtEnd
GROUP BY DrawSize;
Then build a subreport from this query and place it in the footer of your
existing report.

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