Sum If Help



I'm trying to sums up the total for different vendors with mulitple entries,
but I have payments and invoice amounts in the same column. I only want to
add up invoices. My data looks like this, I think I need a count if function
I think but i can't get it to work.

Col b Col D Col G (£) Col I
Access Invoice 500 Sum up only invoice
Amounts leaving out
Access Payment 500 Payment value
Acesss Invoice 400
Argosy Invoice 300
Argosy Payment 300

Is is Count If or sum if ?
Any assistance would be appreciated
Thank You


i've adapted your function to fit my data, however its returning "N/A,
can't see why its doing this

=SUMPRODUCT((B2:B1001="360 web design")*(D2:D1002="Invoice")*(G2:G1002))

Thanks Again

Mike H

There's a typo in your ranges, they must all be the same size. Change B1001
to B1002.



This works perfectly, but when I drag this down it returns '0'. How can I
get this to work when I drag down, because the vendors change in column B in
a long list.

Thanks again

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