Here is the SQL of me query
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Employee's Personal File].EmpCode, [Employee's Other
info].[Emp NSSF No1A], [Employee's Other info].[Emp NSSF No2A],
IIf([SpouseFamily Allowance]=True,1,0) AS NbSpouse, IIf(IsNull([Employee's
Children_Crosstab for Family Allowance.-1]),0,[Employee's Children_Crosstab
for Family Allowance.-1]) AS NbChildren, ([NbSpouse]+[NbChildren]) AS NbFam,
IIf([EmpGender]="M",([EmpFirstNameA] & " " & [EmpFatherNameA] & " " &
[EmpLastNameA]),([EmpFirstNameA] & " " & [EmpFatherNameA] & " " &
[EmpMaidenNameA])) AS FullName, IIf([EmpGender]="M",([Spouse 1st NameA] & " "
& [Spouse Father's NameA] & " " & [Spouse Maiden NameA] & " " &
Year([SpouseBirth DateA])),"") AS SpouseFullName,
IIf([ChildNSSFFamilyAllowance]=True,[ChildNameA] & " " & Year([ChildBirth
DateA])," ") AS ChildName
FROM ((((([A-Company Information] INNER JOIN (([Employee's Personal File]
LEFT JOIN [Employee's Children] ON [Employee's Personal File].EmpCode =
[Employee's Children].EmpCode) LEFT JOIN [Employee's Children_Crosstab for
Family Allowance] ON [Employee's Personal File].EmpCode = [Employee's
Children_Crosstab for Family Allowance].EmpCode) ON [A-Company
Information].CompCode = [Employee's Personal File].CompCode) LEFT JOIN
[Employee's Family] ON [Employee's Personal File].EmpCode = [Employee's
Family].EmpCode) INNER JOIN [Employee's Job Description] ON [Employee's
Personal File].EmpCode = [Employee's Job Description].EmpCode) INNER JOIN
[Employee's Job Title] ON [Employee's Personal File].EmpCode = [Employee's
Job Title].EmpCode) INNER JOIN [Employee's Other info] ON [Employee's
Personal File].EmpCode = [Employee's Other info].EmpCode) INNER JOIN
[Employee's Salary] ON [Employee's Personal File].EmpCode = [Employee's
ORDER BY [Employee's Other info].[Emp NSSF No2A];
and here is the field names in the detail section of my report:
- FullName (for example Paul Newton)
- Emp NSSF No2A (for example 123456)
- Emp NSSF No1A (for example 1990)
- SpouseFullName (for example Suzanne Charles Francis)
- ChildName (for example: 1) John
2) Grace
3) Rebecca
- NbFam ( for example 1) 4
2) 4 (hidden)
3) 4 (hidden)
and in the report footer:
- =Sum([NbFam]) (for example = 12 but must be 4)
Thank you again
Jeff Boyce said:
Are you saying that your underlying data has the same employee three times
(for three children), but also has "3" (for 3 children) in EACH record? If
so, this seems redundant.
If you simply count the number of records, does that give you what you need?
I suspect I'm having trouble offering useful suggestions because I don't
understand your underlying data.
Can you describe what your data table structure is like?
Can you post the SQL of your query?
Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor
Microsoft Registered Partner
Najat said:
Thank you for your answer.
I did like you tell me but the answer was an error answer.
For example, if an employee has 3 children and an other 2 children. The sum
of these family member must be 5. But Access give me an answer equal to 13
because it counts
the first row = 3
and the second row = 3
and the third row = 3 (even if it is hidden) and so on for the 2nd employee
Thank you
The employee's number of family members shows in the Detail section, right?
To put the sum of NumberOfFamilyMembers in the Report Footer, add a text box
(unbound). In the Control Source, put something like:
Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor
Microsoft Registered Partner
In the report footer I want the total number of all employees