Sum in Report


Julia T

Hello Help please!!!
I am having a hard time totaling in the reports by year.

Group Name Year Charge

Basketball 2001 10.00
2002 80.00
2003 150.00
Football 2001 20.00
2002 20.00
2003 20.00
Total 2001 30.00
2002 100.00
2003 170.00

When I sum the Charge field I get the total of all years together. I have
grouped the report with Group Name - then - Year but I can't seem to sum just
the year for the charges. Need help


Tom Lake

When I sum the Charge field I get the total of all years together. I have
grouped the report with Group Name - then - Year but I can't seem to sum
the year for the charges. Need help

Make sure you have the footers turned on for the Year section. A Sum put in
that footer will be the sum of the year.

Tom Lake

Julia T

Tom Lake said:
Make sure you have the footers turned on for the Year section. A Sum put in
that footer will be the sum of the year.

Tom Lake


That did not work because I am grouping on Group name first and then on
year. Any other suggestions?

Tom Lake

Make sure you have the footers turned on for the Year section. A Sum put
That did not work because I am grouping on Group name first and then on
year. Any other suggestions?

You could use DSum with the year as the criterion

Tom Lake

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