Sum of a calculated field in a form footer



I have a calculated control in the detail section of a form with the
following formula:
CPPFlag is a Yes/No checkbox in the detail section
TaxSupport is a Public Function defined in a Module
the tblTaxRates table contains only 1 record
CPPBase is a calculated control in the detail section

This calculated control in the detail section is working properly.

In the footer of the form, I want to show the sum of the above caclulated
field(s). If I use the following formula I get an Error# message

Obviously something about the calculated field is causing a problem but I’m
not knowledgeable enough to see it. Can someone help?

Thanks in advance.


Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Sum requires use of just the fields from the form's Recordsource; thus, you
cannot use CPPBase in the Sum expression. You'll need to replace it with the
actual ControlSource expression that is used for CPPBase control.



Thanks, Ken. You gave me what I needed to know.


Ken Snell (MVP) said:
Sum requires use of just the fields from the form's Recordsource; thus, you
cannot use CPPBase in the Sum expression. You'll need to replace it with the
actual ControlSource expression that is used for CPPBase control.



Ken Snell

JWCrosby said:
I have a calculated control in the detail section of a form with the
following formula:
CPPFlag is a Yes/No checkbox in the detail section
TaxSupport is a Public Function defined in a Module
the tblTaxRates table contains only 1 record
CPPBase is a calculated control in the detail section

This calculated control in the detail section is working properly.

In the footer of the form, I want to show the sum of the above caclulated
field(s). If I use the following formula I get an Error# message:

Obviously something about the calculated field is causing a problem but I'm
not knowledgeable enough to see it. Can someone help?

Thanks in advance.


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