sum of a column according to two or more variables



I have a master log with a column called hours lost, a column calle
vendor, one called problem type and the rows are labeled and sorted b

I would like to sum the hours lost column for each month according t
the month and vendor, and have the sum end up in one cell

I would also like to sum the hours lost column for each month accordin
to the month and problem type and have the sum end up in one cell

basically I only want the hours lost data for a specific vendor an
month at one time or a specific problem type and month at one time, bu
I don't know how to set up the formula correctly

I would also like this data to be automatically updated when new dat
is entered into the master lo

Frank Kabel

sorry also wanted to add a formula approach. Use SUMPRODUCT for this.
Something like
dor1"),--(C1:C100="problem 1"),D1:D100)
to sum column D

If you sum times make sure to format the resulting cell with the custom

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