Sum of a column excluding hidden rows



How do I sum many rows within a column but exclude hidden colums from the

Thank you!

Gord Dibben

Which version of Excel and how are the rows hidden?

Excel 2003 has added a function that subtotals manually hidden and/or filtered

If 2003 use the formula =SUBTOTAL(109,rangetosum) to sum all hidden rows no
matter the method.

In earlier versions if rows are hidden by Filtering then use this.


If an earlier version and rows are hidden manually select the range and
F5>Special>Visible cells only and OK.

Copy/paste to an unused range and sum them there.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Hello Gord.
I am using Excel 2007. I have manually hidden the rows I want to exclude
from the calculation but when I use the autosum, it counts the hidden rows.
How can I sum the column but not count the hidden rows?

Thank you!!

T. Valko

I have a kludge work-around for versions prior to Excel 2003 but it requires
the use of a helper column.

A hidden row has a height property of 0 so all you need to do is sum the
rows with a height >0.

Assume the range of interest is A1:A10 but several of those rows are hidden.

Create this named formula:

Name: Height

Enter this formula in B1 and copy down to B10:


It will also be copied to the hidden rows.

Now, to get the sum of only the visible rows in A1:A10


Note that hidding or unhidding rows/columns does not trigger a calculation.
If all rows are visible and then you hide some the formula will not show the
correct result until a calculation takes place. You can either wait for some
other action that triggers an automatic calculation or you can hit F9 to
force a calculation.

Like I said, kludge, but it's an option!


Teethless mama

Try "Gord Dibben" formula will work your manually hidden rows with your XL2007

=SUBTOTAL(109,your data range)

Roger Govier

Gord and TM have both told you the method. Have you tried it?
will add all of the values for unhidden rows in the range A1:A1000



This is a cool trick. Do you have any pointer to documentation of


Gord Dibben

Don't use the Autosum Button.


Hello Gord.
I am using Excel 2007. I have manually hidden the rows I want to exclude
from the calculation but when I use the autosum, it counts the hidden rows.
How can I sum the column but not count the hidden rows?

Thank you!!

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