Sum of a column with constraints in a repeating table.



I have a form that has 2 repeating tables. The first table the user inputs
all there charges for reimbursement. The second table is a recap of the
first. Ex. in the first table a user inputs 3 lines of cost with the same
budget code and another with a differnet code. in the recap i want to
calculate the total for the 3 lines with the same code into 1 line on the
recap table. I have tried using rules and filters but it always gives the
amount for the first line in the first table in every additional line in the
second table.

Is there a way to get this to calculate or a way to let the user type in the
field 200+300 and have the filed add that together and display the total.



You need to insert this formula in the property of your total field:

sum(../my:group1/my:group2/my:field1) +

sum() give you the total of a repeating field count() give the number
of occurence for this field!

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