Sum of Alternate Cells

  • Thread starter Kamal Singh Oberh
  • Start date

Kamal Singh Oberh

Say I have 3 people in an office, the names of which I write in Column A
(starting at A3, A4 & A5).

Each day I could serve them with four different kinds of drinks. Say COKE,

So now I write these drinks in different cells, say COKE (B2), PEPSI (C2),
FANTA (D2) and similarly RED BULL (E2).

Because these drinks can be served on each day, I have merged the cells B1,
C1, D1 and E1, and written the date in this merged cell, begining with
January 01, 2008.

Now I make similar columns to the right for each day of the year. Say one
full month through January 31, 2008.

The first four cells for the first person, i.e. for January 01, 2008 are
B3, C3, D3 and E3.

This way the data for January 31, 2008 finishes at
DR3, DS3, DT3 and DU3.

The quantity of a drink that he has on any day is written under that
particular date, under the specific type of drink. There is no restruction
to the number of drinks a person can have on each day. Also he could have
one, two, three or all four types of drinks each day.

Now, at the end of the month I want to know the number of
COKES/PEPSIS/FANTAS/RED BULLs he has had in the month.

This total (or sum) I want at the end of the month, i.e. the cell where I
would like to put my formula for each of these drinks would be

DV3 (for COKE), DW3 (for PEPSI), DX3 (FOR FANTA) and DY3 (for RED BULL).

Questions: - How do I get the total for the four different sets of cells.
That is I should be able to see in the Formula Cell, the number of
COKES/PEPSIS/FANTAS/RED BULLS that a person has had in the month of January.

Bob Phillips





(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

Kamal Singh Oberh

May I please have your e-mail id please. I tried what you had sent - but it
didn't work. May be a look at the data sheet will give you a btter picture
of what i want.


Trying to total window/frame on three different worksheets into one work
sheet. I typed the formula like like thisL
=SUMIF(basement floor!$J$2:$J$20,"Window/Frame"+first
floor!$J2:$J$20,"Window/Frame"+Second Floor!$J2:$J$20,"Window/Frame")

Even did it with just one Window/Frame at the end of the formula and
parentheses at the end of each ("Window/Frame") and it still didn't work.
What am I doing wrong.


Bob Phillips

=COUNTIF('basement floor'!$J$2:$J$20,"Window/Frame")+
COUNTIF('first floor'!$J2:$J$20,"Window/Frame)+
COUNTIF('Second Floor'!$J2:$J$20,"Window/Frame")



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

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