Sum of data where a condition applies




Can someone advise me on the easiest way to apply basic functions (MAX) etc.
to a range of data but only where a set condition applies (i.e. effectively
want to perform a MAXIF function but I don't believe this exists).

Basically I have a years worth of data (2 days of which are shown below)
and I want to calculate the maximum number of calls for each day over the
yearly period. As a result I want to have 1 figure for each day of the week
and this figure should represent the maximum number that was found for that
particular day.

1 Day of Week Number of Calls
2 Monday 2
3 Tuesday 1
4 Wednesday 4
5 Thursday 8
6 Friday 7
7 Saturday 4
8 Sunday 6
9 Monday 8
10 Tuesday 4
11 Wednesday 9
12 Thursday 7
13 Friday 4
14 Saturday 7
15 Sunday 9

I'm not necessarily after a formula.... just the easiest way of doing this
in Excel for another 363 days worth of data!!

Any help gratefully appreciated


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